If you’ve ever wanted to learn all the moneymaking ‘tricks of the trade’ world-class marketers use to interest, compel, entice, and sell like crazy – this is it!
"Discover The Fastest And Easiest Way To Crank Out Your Own Killer Ads and Sales Letters GUARANTEED To 10x Your Conversions and Put More Cash In Your Pocket!”
… Even If You Flunked English And Have NEVER Written A Single Word Of Copy In Your Entire Life!"
The COMPLETE step-by-step, proven system to easily create irresistible sales copy that turns leads into customers and customers into repeat customers and increase your bottom line profits, whoever you are and whatever you're selling!
The SWIPE & DEPLOY ARSENAL - a bottomless well of copywriting genius - powerful ideas, riveting sales elements and the actual words, phrases and headlines, you can legally “steal” from many of the BIGGEST and BRIGHTEST copywriters of all time.
The COMPLETE A-to-Z, DONE-FOR-YOU, copy-and-paste templates carefully engineered to help you instantly and effortlessly roll out your own marketing campaign and save yourself hours and hours of gut wrenching effort and hiring expensive copywriters
Dear Friend,
Let's face it...
Without absolutely grab-em-by-the-throat copy, it won't matter if you have the best products or services in the world… It won't matter how "professional" your website looks… or how high your rankings are in the searching engines… heck it won't even matter if you're getting an avalanche of targeted traffic to your site…
... None of this stuff means squat if your copy doesn’t sell! Period. Full Stop. End of story.
The mastery of copywriting is THE most critical skill you need if you want to FAST TRACK your business growth,explode your sales and profits … and create money on demand
In fact, I'll go one step further and say…
You're Only One Good Sales Letter Away From An Obscene Fortune…
Business "lore" is filled with amazing stories of "word power." For example:
Are you familiar with The Wall Street Journal's "Tale of Two Young Men"? This famous 800-word sales letter generated $2 billion in sales!!!
Or perhaps you've heard stories about the Agora Publishing empire. Agora went from zero to annual sales of $100 million thanks to the skillful writing of the company's copywriter.
And then there's Gary Halbert. His one-page "Coat of Arms" sales letter is legend. It was so successful it brought Halbert over 7.3 million replies - each containing a check. Getting that many orders (with checks enclosed) forced Halbert to hire 30 full time employees- Just to make his Bank Deposit!
So you see… a sales letter is the most powerful employee you could ever hire! And consider this:
- A sales letter will always be there to serve you
- A sales letter will never get tired
- A sales letter will never complain
- A sales letter will never ask for a raise, overtime, or a Christmas bonus
A sales letter will work tirelessly on your behalf night and day… day and night… on holidays… during a hurricane. No matter what you're doing...
Your sales letter delivers your "sales pitch" perfectly every time, all the time.
A good sales letter is like an out-of-control vacuum cleaner 'monster.'' Night and day it's working for you, sucking up money and constantly depositing that money right into your bank account, while you're on the phone, meeting with clients, or taking a snooze.
Imagine… a 24-hour money machine that pumps out cash for you as reliably as the sun rising in the East!
But the bad news is…
The Road To Becoming A Master Copywriter Is Absolutely Brutal…
Learning how to write order-pulling copy is difficult, time-consuming, frustrating, expensive, and extremely stressful.
Sorry, but it's true...
It could take you YEARS of trial and error to figure out what works, what materials to study, how to prevent costly mistakes, and how to systematically write in a way that's tailored to your business and designed to generate the most sales possible!
Until now, that is…
Introducing “Advertising Magic: The Ultimate Guide To Creating Hot Ads Sales Letters That Sell!”

Brian Keith Voiles, one of the nation’s most talented and highly sought after copywriters has released a home study course called Advertising Magic that makes writing totally irresistible, order pulling ads and sales letters a breeze! Brian’s fee for writing an advertising campaign is $35,000.00. His clients line-up to pay him this fee because the ads and sales letters he writes are real money-makers! Now I'm not asking you to line-up to hire him. Instead, I want you to "own" his proprietary secrets. You’ll need it to build any kind of business.
For a limited time you can get this comprehensive course for a fraction of what you’d have to pay Brian (or any copywriter) to write an ad or sales letter for you
You see, knowing how to put together an ad or letter that brings in customers, leads, and orders like crazy is a marketer’s most powerful asset. In fact, it should be your most powerful asset. It's an asset that you can leverage and use to make yourself serious money every single time you run an ad or mail a letter.
When you "get" copywriting, you're in a position to print money.
Ad Magic will teach you how to master the "art and science" of writing powerful sales letters, postcards, brochures, order forms, display ads, Facebook ads, web pages, and anything else you need to generate leads and customers.
Owning the Ad Magic home study course is like having your own in-house copywriter on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Because once you apply the step-by-step formulas laid-out in Ad Magic your ads and sales letters will practically write themselves!
Brian’s ad writing techniques work and his track record of "top-dog" clients speaks for itself. He's written for:
As you can see, these marketing giants and many other multi-million dollar corporations have literally sold millions of dollars worth of good and services because of Brian's killer copy
But more importantly, YOU can use the same powerful strategies and techniques to cash in with your own marketing and you won't have to pay the $35,000 fees that Brian routinely commands.
The list of who’s who in internet marketing that turn to Brian to supercharge their incomes is long but I’ll mention a few. As a matter of fact, take a look at what some of these top experts and clients of his have to say about him and his customer-generating ads and sales letter skills.
Here's What Top Dogs in The Industry Have To Say About Brian Keith And Advertising Magic:
...before Brian and I personally met I studied and devoured his 'Ad Magic' course (one of the bibles of copywriting). But now I know Brian first-hand because I've hired him, and he has made me over $100,000.00 on a single letter....he has made me over $100,000.00 on a single letter.
Yanik Silver | Master Internet Marketer
Brian is absolutely the very best... that's why he writes my sales material. A 16-page sales letter that Brian put together so far has brought in over $2.5 million. Those kind of results can happen only when someone knows how to write hot ads."..brought in over $2.5 million.
Mike Enlow | Master of Marketer www.enlow.com
"Ad copy is the fuel that runs the engine. Without great copy, your business is not going anywhere. That's why I've invested so much over the years in producing great copy for my businesses." "Brian Keith Voiles is one of a tiny handful of copywriters I entrust with my sales. He's also a generous and articulate teacher. If you ever get a chance to learn from him, jump on it."...Jump on it!
Ken McCarthy | The System Seminar http://www.thesystemseminar.com
"Brian Keith Voiles is a genius of a copywriter, and one of the greatest human beings that I know. You'll never regret the day you start working with Brian... he's a millionaire maker! "Please don't waste years more of your life fumbling around trying to write copy that sells, take the short-cut that works and get Brian Keith Voiles help, you'll thank him for years to come."...he's a millionaire maker!
Kirt Christensen, Master Internet Marketer
"Advertising Magic is the encyclopedia of writing advertising that sells. It is the most comprehensive book I've read about advertising and the one I refer to most."Advertising Magic is the encyclopedia of writing advertisingthat sells
Michael Kimble American-International Marketing Austin, TX
"Brian Keith Voiles is one hell of a nice guy. Brian's last bit of copy made me $98,838.35 in the first 83 days... and that's not even counting back-end revenue and repeat business that those customers brought in. (The ad actually brought in more but that amount is the amount I've got concrete proof for)."...made me $98,8:18.:15 in the first 83 days...
Frank Kern | Master Internet Marketer
"The most recent letter Brian wrote for me filled the seminar seats to overflowing in record time. Because of Brian's sales letter, I made $52,682 in 30 days. Get your hands on every thing this guy has to offer before he realizes he should be charging TRIPLE what he does!"...I made $52,682 in 3o days.
Robert G. Allen, Author/Trainer, "Nothing Down Real Estate" and "Multiple Streams of Internet Income" http://multiplestreamsofincome.com
Brian Voiles is an exceptional copywriter. When I'm talking about business, exceptional means only one thing he's exceptional at making you money. If you have a chance to get Brian to write copy for you, book him now before someone else grabs your spot."...he's exceptional at making you money
Bob Serling, Marketer, Consultant Stratford Marketing Group
"Brian Keith Voiles is a fantastic, rising young copywriter. He's one of a rare breed in America who shows real talent!"...He's one of a rare breed
Ted Nicholas, Marketing Expert • Nicholas Direct Stratford Marketing Group
"Brian Keith Voiles... writes some of the best sales copy I've ever read. He's one of the best copywriters there is and, he's not only good, Brian has my highest recommendation."...Brian has my highest recommendation.
Gary Halbert Marketer, Author, The Gary Halbert Letter" http://www.thegaryhalbertletter.com
Need Even More Proof?
Brian's got even more proof that anyone can do it!!! Click here to take a look at what some of Brian's customers have to say about Ad Magic and what it's done for them.They're all happy customers of his because Ad Magic delivers on every promise he makes and more. These are all business owners just like you - real people whose lives have been changed and enhanced by his course, Ad Magic.
These entrepreneurs have all done business with him, or made money off his irresistible ads and sales letters; and once you grab hold of Advertising Magic, you’ll be cranking out money-making ads that are irresistible to your prospects, too!
If you've ever wanted to really generate hot leads and customers like you've never been able to before, Brian’s Advertising Magic is the magic bullet you’ve been desperately looking for.
Ad Magic Is A Complete System For Creating Advertising That Works. And It's So Simple, Anyone Can Do It… Guaranteed!
Ad Magic is your complete "encyclopedia tour guide" to creating Ads and sales letters that generate hot leads and new customers for your business. It's all laid out for you in precise, step-by-step detail... designed to shortcut your education and boost your cash flow in a big way
You get 400+ pages of power-packed information that reveals Brian's proven step-by-step system for generating hot leads and customers with powerful ads and letters time and time again... including samples of money-making letters and ads that he’s written for me and others. (These samples alone have been said to be worth the entire price!)
Every chapter is chock full of insight and understanding about what you need to know to write Killer Copy.... and exactly how to do it for yourself the easy way!
Knowing the secrets of advertising psychology… masterful salesmanship… and how to create great web copy that triggers action… cracks the code to unlimited possibility and profit.
It gives you the ability to reach new audiences… help more people… and make far more money than you’re used to.
With this information… you have the power to move the world. It puts you in the driver’s seat… for as long as you want to be there.
Ad Magic isn’t just a “quick fix”. You’re getting valuable, real world, moneymaking training.
Secrets. Valuable insights into human nature. Insights that will serve you well for years.
Almost overnight you can flood your business with new eager-to-spend customers… boost sales and profits… and turn a nice little cash stream into a raging river!
Triple the size of your regular bank deposits.
Take almost any new product online and go from zero to outstanding success in a fraction of the time it takes doing it any other way.
All this... and more is now within your grasp. It's yours for the taking.
Look… if you want to jump-start your success... it makes sense to find a shortcut.
But don’t just settle for any shortcut… the trick is to find the right kind. Something that works and works well.
You don’t want second-hand theory. You want a roadmap… a guide… a proven system for success. You want to learn from someone who lives by these secrets everyday… in the real world of internet marketing.
The right “system” takes you by the hand, answers all your questions, and shows you exactly how to do it, step-by-step -- as fast as humanly possible!
From the seed of an idea… to finding the ideal audience with money to spend.
From choosing juicy words that hit the “sweet spot”… to creating irresistible offers that compel more people to buy.
That’s what Ad Magic is all about.
You get every secret… every technique… every tool of persuasion exposed, examined, and handed to you… so you can use it for your own maximum profit!
11 quick and easy steps to writing a "million dollar" sales letter. (see pages 260 - 267 for all you need to know!)
Time tested words and phrases that sell and how to use them. (Chapter 16 reveals more on this than you'll ever see anywhere else!… 24 BIG pages full!)
The very first thing you must do before writing one word of copy! (see page 82)
27 fail-safe tests that every ad must pass before you use it! (see Chapter 20)
Exact word-for-word samples of sales letters that brought in millions... and how to adapt those same letters for your own business! (the whole Appendix is jammed full!)
How to guarantee that your letter gets opened, read, and responded to. (Devour Chapter 18 to get this right!!!)
The real reasons people choose to buy anything -- the secret truth long known by master salesmen, sociologists, and "con men" finally revealed! (Chapter Five, "Motivation Magic" shows you all you need to know!)
How to write benefit packed bullets that generate sales! (see page 165)
24 sure-fire bullet formulas you can plug right into to create sizzling hot, benefit-packed bullets with ease! (page 172-173)
The tips, tricks, and techniques that make space ads work like a dream! (Chapter 17 will keep you in check for profitable space ads!)
The most important part of every letter and ad you write. (see page 137)
The easy 9-step system for creating order forms that get prospects to act fast! (see pages 123 through 136)
12 Proven Strategies to get "in the mood" to crank out hot ads whenever you want ... like a hot thoroughbred race horse gets "hot" to race. (see pages 286 through 296)
6 ways to improve your ad... after you've done all you can to make it your best. (see Chapter 23!)
How to find out why people don't respond to a good ad or sales letter, and what to do once you know! (see page 105)
The 6 essential (yet over-looked) questions you must ask yourself to make sure your ad or sales letter is focused! (see page 99)
The inside secrets of how to create a guarantee that practically forces your customers to buy now! (easy as pie if you follow Chapter 14!)
13 tips and tricks for creating powerful openings to your ads! (pages 142-144 tell all!)
The essential elements of every great sales letter and how you can use them. (see Chapter 18)
The best way to create the "first draft" of your ad. (This technique will surprise you! See page 292!)
The 12 mistakes most advertisers make and how you can avoid them! (See pages 32-55)
10 guaranteed ways to increase readership and response to your sales letters and ads... without touching your current copy! (Chapter 19 reveals all ten in specific detail!)
The little known ingredient you must understand to make sure your Ad or letter sells! (See Chapter Six… this will change how you get customers forever! - you'll love it!)
How to lay out your sales letter for increased readership. (Read Chapter 18 for this)
A revolutionary new approach to follow that make putting out ads and sales letters easier, and virtually guarantees their success. (Follow Chapter 23 carefully….)
How to create powerful headlines that guarantee your prospects will read your ad! (Chapter nine gives you the most complete treatise ever on the subject of headlines!)
Exactly how you can get all the testimonials you'd ever want! (Chapter 13 gives you more details on this proven strategy than you'll ever see in print…. heck, look at all the testimonials in this letter!!!)
The 11-step formula that anyone can use to write Ad copy 100 times more potent than the best Madison Avenue ad agency! (Chapter 23 tells you all you need to know… it's the 'glue' that brings everything else you learn in the book together!)
Order Now and You'll Also Get The Ultimate ‘ Cash Copy-On-Demand’ Copywriting Arsenal Complete with Swipe Files, Fill-in-the-Blank Formulas, and Market Tested Copy Templates For Any Product or Service Absolutely FREE!
Take a look at these powerful profit boosting copywriting tools and resources that will help you take your business to even greater levels of profit.

This is your one and only source of the most comprehensive collection of high-profit headlines ever assembled with over 2,500 Proven Ways To Instantly Create ATTENTION-GRABBING HEADLINES For Any Ad, Sales Letter, or Website. And it's fully indexed, to make it easier to use in a fraction of the time.
This giant headline swipe file gives you more winning ideas than you can ever use in one business. Plus… you get headlines from many of the BIGGEST and BRIGHTEST copywriters of all time
You get headlines from Gary Halbert, Gary Bencivenga, Jay Abraham, Ted Nicholas, Joe Karbo, Dan Kennedy, John Caples, John Carlton, Joe Vitale, Eugene Schwartz, Bob Bly, Brain Keith Voiles, Jeff Paul, Jerry Fisher, Steve Manning, Raymond Aaron, Michael Kimble, Mark Nolan, Luther Brock, Galen Stilson, Rene Gnam, Jeffrey Lant, Melvin Powers, Russ Von Hoelsher, and dozens more.
But that’s not all. You can also profit from winning headlines used by some of the most successful direct marketing and sales organizations of all time.
I’m talking about companies like Boardroom, Rodale, Doubleday, Bottom Line, Nightingale/Conant, Reader’s Digest, Publishers Clearing House, Executive Books, Hume, Day-Timers, Career Track, Sharper Image, The Ken Roberts Company, Marketing Magazine, and many more.

This “paint by numbers” tool makes it easier than ever to convert a winning headline (one that cost somebody else a lot of time or money to develop) into a champion attention-getter of your own.
This is a remarkably fast, fun and fulfilling way to bang out killer headlines for any purpose. Take any single headline from this “Ultimate Swipe File” and instantly adapt it to your product or service. With sample after sample, you’re presented with a headline - as it was published. Next, the SPECIFIC DETAILS in the original are blanked out. What you’re left with is a fill-in-the-blanks formula that instantly activates your own creative instincts.
It’s a quick and profitable way to crank out attention-grabbing power statements - without killing yourself trying to come up with the perfect words from scratch.

When you're building out your marketing funnel, the #1 roadblock you'll hit is getting your copy done. Not just getting it done... but getting it done RIGHT.
Grab these TESTED copy-and-paste templates and instantly and effortlessly roll out your own marketing campaign and save yourself hours and hours of gut wrenching effort…
- WITHOUT spending thousands of dollars on an expensive copywriter (like me)...
- WITHOUT slaving away and wasting dozens of precious hours getting it written...
- WITHOUT having to waste several weeks/months to opportunity cost...
Instead, you'll be able to take these professional written copy templates, written by a million dollar copywriter, and instantly plug them into YOUR sales funnel for higher conversions, saved time, and less hassle.
Some of the copy templates you'll get include...
5 Landing Page Templates
You’ll get several different landing pages templates including one for a free report… free webinar… free video… and more! Take these templates, plug in your information and you’re set!
3 Sales Page Templates
You’ll receive the exact sales letter blueprints this million dollar copywriters has personally used to generate millions of dollar for his own private clients. Information products… services… and software… all are included!
7-Step Prospect Email Template
You won’t have to pay the minimum of $1,225 private clients for this 7-step email sequence that you can tweak to include your own information and have a plug-n-play profit generator that builds trust and makes sales.
2 Exit Popup Templates
These tried-and-true exit pop templates are perfect for free or low-priced trials to those who exit out of your regular sales page. It’s added enormous profits to his clients funnels, and will for you too.
5 Upsell Sequence Templates
Included are several upsell/downsell templates you can plug-n-play for higher priced products or services… plus templates for items such as lifetime warranties, upgraded shipping and more!
3 Checkout Page Templates
Ever wonder what a good checkout page should look like? You’ll get 3 unique templates you can use and implement in your own business for increased conversions, instantly. These convert like crazy!
1 Thank You Page Template
Your thank you page is much, much more than just thanking your customer. It should not be taken lightly. This thank you page template transforms your thank you page into a new profit center!
7-Step Buyers Email Template
Most people neglect the SINGLE most valuable business asset they own – their customers. Not you! You’ll get a 7-part email sequence you can quickly add to your funnel to reduce refunds, increase customer loyalty and skyrocket back-end sales.

With this fully-equipped library of 600+ pieces - prewritten and formatted - you’ll have all the business letters, agreements, and forms you need - the moment you need them. These time-saving treasures cover every aspect of business. You get sales letters, thank you letters, confidentiality agreements, announcements, release forms, security agreements - and much more.
Whether you’re a business owner, manager, consultant, dentist, chiropractor, doctor, lawyer, accountant, or coach - this done-for-you resource center with hundreds of off-the-shelf, plug-in communications you can instantly customize – is going to make your office run as smoothly and efficiently as a finely-tuned and well-oiled engine.

It’s no secret that conversion rates are low when you’re trying to persuade cold prospects to buy your product. That’s one reason so many savvy marketers entice prospects onto mailing lists with freebies, and then follow-up with three, five, seven or more emails to build trust and close the sale.
But if you’ve ever created an autoresponder series with the goal of directly selling a product, then you know it’s no walk in the park. It takes a little finesse to pitch products in a way that seems useful, rather than just giving your readers that uncomfortable feeling that they’re being “sold to.”
Building, growing and nurturing a list takes time and effort. Writing dozens or hundreds of emails from scratch could take forever. That’s where these done-for-you emails come in – all the time-consuming “grunt” work has been done for you.
Use this massive library of 400+ done-for-you emails to create your autoresponder series, build trust with your subscribers, and start closing more sales.

If you’re not sending regular emails to your list, then you’re leaving a whole lot of money on the table. Now you can turn a tedious task into a quick, easy and very profitable one with these 100+ email templates. Just fill in the blanks, upload the emails to your autoresponder, and start profiting! You could be doing this in just minutes
You’ll get emails like…
- An “abandoned cart” email to save more sales!
- The “affiliate motivation” email that can generate dozens, hundreds or even more sales for you!
- The “flash sale” template that gets prospects scrambling to your order button!
- The “personal story” template that builds trust and generates sales over the long term!
- The “stealth promo” template that doesn’t look like a promo, yet it will get your prospects clicking over to your order page!
- The “questions” email that stops readers in their tracks and gets them thinking about buying your products ASAP!
Simply put, email is your blank check for unlimited profit with effective email campaigns. And this set of email campaigns is your ultimate quick and easy shortcut to successful email marketing, because it covers virtually every email you’d ever want to send!

Joint venture and affiliate marketing are the ultimate in zero-risk advertising because all the marketing is done for you, in exchange for a share of the sale.
But, unless you’re a web design whizz kid, a powerhouse copywriter or you have deep pockets, crafting compelling affiliate and JV attraction pages and sales scripts whether they're for your JV invite video, for emails, or for posting in the groups/forums can be crippling hard, take you weeks or even months and can often times turn out to be a fruitless exercise if you don’t get the results you’d hoped for.
Let me fast track you. And better yet, let me give you all the email templates, VSL scripts and webpages you need to attract affiliates and ensure that you have a super successful product launch.
Our DFY package includes 20 market-tested JV and Affiliate Marketing Templates - for virtually any application and business.
Here are just a few of the templates you’ll have instant access to:
- Simple Recruitment Email Template - This “copy and paste” template takes the mystery out of what to say to effortlessly land quality JV partners or affiliates by the boatload...
- Powerful Follow-Up Email Template - This one takes up where the first email left off to further influence, persuade, and win over more new partners - even though they failed to respond to the first email dispatch you sent ( a great way to capture new partners who otherwise would have been lost)...
- Interview Request Email Template - this one makes it shockingly easy to connect with the “top dogs” in your niche and ultimately get your name associated with all kinds of market leaders
- Guest-Posting Email Template - This pre-written gem helps you avoid the “trial and error” learning most new marketers are forced to endure and helps you cut through the clutter to land those lucrative posts on high-traffic blogs - and reap the juicy rewards!
Also included are these highly effective, eye catching, and sales-getting pages and scripts:
JV FB Group Script
Post in FB groups with ease and give your affiliates all the info they need to decide whether or not they'll promote your offer...
JV Attraction Page
This template is designed to position you and your amazing product as a MUST PROMOTE
JV Tools Page
You need to make things easy for your affiliates, this JV tools page enables you to provide your affiliates with swipes, banners, emails etc.
Affiliate Links Page
Provide your potential affiliates with an easy way to get their affiliate link
JV Video Script
These days, having a video on your JV invite page is a must, most times the videos are terrible but with this proven script, you are poised to give your affiliates all the info they need to decide whether or not they'll promote your offer.
Private Message Script
Approaching affiliates you don't have a prior relationship is tricky, the worst thing you can do is come across pushy, with this script you'll do it the way it should be done, with their interests at heart.
JV Launch Week Email Campaign
Just take these done for you, fill in the blanks launch templates and you can plug them into your own launch week to keep your affiliates up to date on everything in your launch.
"Thank You" JV post templates
Use this template when your launch is over. This will cement you in the eyes of your JV partners and ensure they won't forget you...
One LAST Extra!
Even though this is already a GREAT offer, I want to make it EVEN better and do something we’ve NEVER done before. So, as a special FAST ACTION BONUS and for the next 72 hours only you also get:
The Ultimate All-in-One, DONE FOR YOU Shortcut To Creating Cash Generating Sales Copy... TODAY!
If you are tired and frustrated putting up with the headaches of brain-fog, writer's block or damned stubborn words that won't do what they're told then you’ll love Script Engage. Never again do you have to grope around in the darkness of your mind to find the right words to make your copy zing.
Script Engage is a revolutionary one-of-a-kind software that allows anyone of any skill level to create high-converting (and profitable) sales scripts for your products and services with just a few clicks of your mouse.
You can easily create your own: video scripts to skyrocket conversions, webinar scripts to help you jump right in and generate more profits with higher ticket products and services, complete email sequences, online ad templates for Facebook, Sponsored Tweets, and Pay-Per Click ads and much more. Infact you get 45 powerful scripts that are fully customizable to fit any product or service you want to sell.
Get instant access to top converting emails created by EXPERTS in their fields. From cold prospecting to webinar sequences, welcome emails and eCommerce sales, you're covered with the very best email templates available. -
You have the ability to customize all types of high level funnel scripts such as squeeze page templates, long form sales letters, thank you pages; one time offer sequences allowing you to build an entire, top-converting sales funnel in minutes. -
Easily create winning video scripts (VSL's) that skyrocket conversions on any of your campaigns. Also included are our marketed-tested phone scripts we use to close high end clients. You'd expect to pay thousands on private coaching to access custom scripts like these that will help you close dream clients with ease. You can also leverage the conversion power of your webinars with our PROVEN to convert scripts to close more high ticket sales. -
We all know that we need to advertise our business on different platforms such as FB, Google, and Twitter. But what do you say in your ad? You can now turn your FB ads, sponsored tweets, solo ads and pay-per-click ads into conversion machines with professional ads customized to your products.
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"Converting At 48% For 3 Months Now"
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- Long Form Sales Letter Script
- Small Ticket Sales Letter
- Order Form Script
- Linked In Appointment Script
- JV Invite Promotion Emails
- Headline Scripts
- OTO Sales Letter
- Cold Prospecting Email #1
- Customer Welcome Product Purchase Email Series
- Webinar Reminder Email Sequence
- Post Webinar Email Sequence
- Fb Ad Scripts
- Sponsored Tweets
- PPC Ads
- Product launch 4 part email series
- Lead Magnet Welcome Email
- Shopping Cart Abandonment
- High Ticket Sales Script
- Cold calling script
- Physical Product Purchase Welcome Email
Here’s Why You May Never Need Another Copywriting Training Seminar, Home-Study Course, or Master Class Coaching - EVER AGAIN.
Its ALL here! EVERYTHING you could possibly need to “create” your own highly-persuasive sales copy is included. Nothing else is necessary. With your Advertising Magic Cash On Demand System - you have a massive arsenal jam-packed with copywriting genius and remarkably-effective hand-picked done for you solutions.
You’ll have instant access to a world-class library of headlines, teasers, leads, bullets, offers, guarantees, PS’s - and more. It makes compiling your own breakthrough promotions as easy as painting by numbers.
Apply the insider secrets revealed here and generate pure cash profits on demand - with almost any promotion.
There’s no longer any need to study for months, years, or decades. Simply sift through the massive pile of solid gold and choose what suits your promotional needs best.
Imagine having everything you need right at your fingertips. And it’s laid out section-by-section and piece-by-piece to make it super-easy to navigate. Connect the dots and count your money. It’s never been this easy before
Struggling with a sales letter that won’t convert? Turn to your “Swipe Deploy” Arsenal golden and “swipe” away. It’s the quickest, easiest, and most sure-fire method to producing your own record-breaking conversions.
Interested in setting up an autoresponder series to fuel your reader’s interest, build rock-solid trust, and literally whip them into a buying frenzy as they eagerly await your next promotion? That’s easy. Simply turn to the Email Section and feast on the irresistible buffet of ready-made sequences. Just point, click, and plug in. You’re ready to go, just like that.
Got a red-hot product in mind, but you’re not sure how to open the floodgates and cash-in like the big dogs? I’ve got you covered too with persuasive Upsells and Checkout Pages that can easily add thousands of dollars to your bottom line - with every campaign you run.
With all that said, you’re probably thinking…So how much does this CASH COPY ON DEMAND system cost ?
Well, before I reveal the price I want you to think about something...
Think about HOW MUCH it's WORTH to be able to CUT BACK on your writing time. Think about HOW MUCH it's WORTH to be FREE OF THE HEADACHES of brain-fog, writer's block and words that won't come no matter how hard you try. Think about HOW MUCH it's WORTH to be able to WRITE WITH MORE POWER and have your copy literally JUMP OFF THE PAGE. Think about HOW MUCH it's WORTH to have copy that gets AMAZING RESULTS. Think about it!
It's WORTH A LOT to you, isn't it?
Ad Magic sells by itself for $397 and it’s a real bargain, when you consider how just one of the tips can benefit your business. And you'd easily shell out 5 to 10 K (not including travel expenses) for a marketing seminar to learn a fraction of these techniques. Thousands of copies have been sold at that price and the business owners that bought it where thrilled they got it at that price and mind you they got none of the killer bonuses that I have worked so hard to offer you.
Look. If you're serious about wanting to be able to WRITE QUICKER, EASIER AND WITH MORE POWER than ever before, and if you're serious about wanting your copy to be COPY THAT GETS READ AND ACTED ON, then investing $397 for Advertising Magic is the best darn investment you could ever make in your business. Really! It’s a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you're going to lose over your lifetime without this advertising know-how.
You Really Can't Afford NOT To Invest In This Course!
Don't you think you owe it to yourself to move on this incredible opportunity? Take action now, while it's fresh on your mind. Ad Magic will give you the powerful cash-generating skills you need to rocket your sales and profits through the roof - forever!
And remember our…

Love-It or Shove-It
Money-Back Guarantee
Our guarantee is simple. Get Advertising Magic. Go through the whole thing. "Test drive" every strategy and technique… Implement our proven copy templates to quickly build your funnels and immediately profit from them. You have an entire 30 days to make up your mind.
Advertising Magic will either instantly increase the selling power of any ad, website, email, or direct response sales letter no matter what you sell…Or just say the word and you'll get your money back as an instant refund just for giving it a try. No jumping through hoops, no run-around. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose and a whole lot of profits to gain.
It doesn't get any better than that. You make money or you get yours back on the spot!" That's a promise!
Get Instant Access To Everything You Need To Craft Totally Irresistible, Cash Generating Sales Copy

INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #1 The 400+ Page Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Copy That Sells |
INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #2 The Ultimate Swipe File |
INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #3 Glant Headline Swipe File |
INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #4 The Ultimate Fill-In-The-Blanks Headlines Swipe File |
INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #5 DFY Sales Funnel Templates |
INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #6 600+ 'Copy and Paste' Letters, Agreements and Business Forms |
INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #7 400+ DFY Emails To Engage, Educate and Warm Up Your List |
INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #8 100+ DFY Instant Email Cash Generators |
INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #9 DFY Joint Venture & Affiliate Recruitment Templates |
INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER | #10 ScriptEngage: 50+ High Converting Sales Scripts Generator |
****Don’t Waste Another Second…****
Don't dilly-dally about it. Don't um and ah. You know you want to be able to write quicker and easier. You know you want to write with more power. You know you want your copy to produce better results. You know Ad Magic gives you everything you want, saves you loads of time and effort and is WORTH a tremendous amount to you. Everything you need is inside including proven done for you copy templates, training, and a massive arsenal of swipe files!
Use just ONE of the included resources just ONE time and you are almost certain to recoup your low investment in the entire package. Everything else you earn from using the incredible Advertising Magic arsenal in the future will be FREE MONEY FOR YOU!
You're either gonna appreciate the value of this package right away and take action now (and if you do, congratulations, you're a true marketer) or you're gonna just keep limping along, wondering why the "other guys" always seem to get rich.
Ad Magic is the final slice of the promotional pie… the "missing link" that will tie together everything in your current collection of books, tapes, and swipe files!
You're not "finished" until you've added Advertising Magic to your copywriting and marketing arsenal.
To your incredible success!
Collin Almeida
Collin Almeida, CEO
Success Strategies, Inc
Toll-free: 877-636-9631
P.S. Writing a sales letter that makes you money can be the most challenging, gut-wrenching, hair-pulling experience of your life! But it need not be that way anymore. Here’s a step-by-step system – including all the key ideas,strategies, techniques, market tested copy templates and pre-written sales scripts for any project imaginable the pros use to crank out website copy that sells. It’s a shortcut to success. You’ll save time… avoid the head-pounding stress… plus, you’ll acquire the skill of writing moneymaking sales letters on demand -- for virtually any product or service.
P.P.S. In fables, "slow and steady wins the race," but in the business world: "the race goes to the swift." If you sit on your thumbs… if you don't take this "call to action" seriously… you'll lose out on substantial savings, an incredible war-chest of powerful copywriting tools and resources that will make you even more money, and an iron-clad, risk-free guarantee! . Why not start your NEW life right now, and discover the quickest path to making money in anything you ever do...by becoming a MASTER of writing KILLER COPY?
P.P.P.S: IF you are “on the fence” and still undecided please click here.

The information in there can be the difference between surviving and prospering, between seeking out a living or making a fortune 

The information in there can be the difference between surviving and prospering, between seeking out a living or making a fortune 

Frequently Asked Questions
Is Ad Magic the right course for my business?
How quickly will the course pay for itself?
What makes Ad Magic different and better than the rest?
How will Ad Magic specifically change my business - and my life?
“Why should I buy now?”
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…the best guide to writing ads and sales letters in the world.
Writing ads and letters that really sell is the ultimate ticket to financial freedom. As far as making money goes, you just cannot learn a better skill than this one. Imagine. No matter what you want to sell, you can always come up with an ad or a letter to do the job. Anytime you need more business -- simply turn the tap on. Sounds too good to be true?? Well, it isn't. Not if you have the right tools at your disposal. I always meant to get around to developing a program that would help you to become a good copywriter. But as you can imagine it's a daunting task. And besides, I've been too busy making money writing ads and letters for myself and a few clients. The good news is that a friend of mine has spent the last 18 months developing what I consider the best guide to writing ads and sales letters in the world. I don't say that lightly. Brian Keith Voiles has created some of the best ads and letters I've ever seen. And he's worked for some very famous (and rich) clients. If you are serious about wanting to learn the ultimate skill, or if you simply want to work less and make more money, I highly recommend Brian’s course, Advertising Magic. The ads and letter samples included with the course are worth many times the investment. Even if you don't want to learn how to write ads and letters yourself, you are sure to find an ad or letter you can adapt for your business.Peter Sun | Best-Selling Author & Millionaire Mentor Queensland, 4213, Australia Tel. (07) 5525 3455 Fax. (07) 5525 3499 http://findrenovatesell.com.au/

Advertising Magic has been a very good investment for us.
"My wife, Blanche, and I have successfully operated a Dance Studio in Tampa, Florida since 1979. Since ours is an active city we cater mainly to professional couples 40 to 60 years old with incomes over $60,000." "Although we have learned a great deal about our business and customers over the past 17 years, we could not believe how much more we were able to learn from your course. Your chapter on Empathy has given us a new awareness of our customers and how to improve our service to them." "We now have a waiting list of customers (something unheard of in this business). We are planning to use the same concept in the recruiting and training of new teachers." "I would like to thank you for your outstanding course. It is educating, entertaining & easy to read (a tribute to your copywriting skills). Advertising Magic has been a very good investment for us.Emillio and Blanch Librero | Librero's School & Dance Club Inc., Tampa, FL 33606

Advertising Magic is the encyclopedia of writing advertising that sells
"Advertising Magic is the encyclopedia of writing advertising that sells. It is the most comprehensive book I've read about advertising and the one I refer to most."-- Michael Kimble, American-International Marketing -- Austin, TX